Friday, January 17, 2020

How to Look Handsome, Even if You are not Good Looking

How to Look Handsome, Even if You are not Good Looking

How to Look Handsome, Even if You are not Good Looking, first of all my response to you if you think you're not good-looking that's complete horseshit I'm not saying you are good-looking but you can be much better-looking if you care it every human being has the ability to look very good but that needs effort and care looking good does not mean you join the likes of top models and actors it means you'd be the best you can look which you currently aren't do I think looking at is something you should care about what I want you to care about is looking presentable because that subconsciously impacts others opinions about you so that is important.

Obsessively looking into a mirror and clicking pictures of yourself to get more likes makes you a moron just because the world does it doesn't make it any less moronic but working hard toward a healthy lifestyle eating well to keep your mind and body sharp looking presentable may actually result in you looking very good but that is a by-product you should cherish not something you should aim lessly pursue for social acceptance having said that this is article is all about solving some of your insecurities in case you are conscious about the way you look.

Very quickly I would go through how to fix facial disappointments.

First fix your eyebrows people subconsciously take eyebrows into consideration a lot a simple adjustment in your eyebrows can drastically change visual perception get yourself a tweezer or an eyebrow flutter place a cone vertically at one side of your nose and pluck out everything that falls in and then place it on the other side and do the same eyebrows has been done.

Second, grow us double stubble is a light beard as opposed to tens or whatever I have chances are the reason why you find yourself unattractive is you don't have a symmetrical jawline have chubby cheeks whatever it may be the solution is a beard again not a beard like myself this isn't commonly considered attractive either what I mean is generous amount of hairs that cover everything and don't demand special care.

Third, if you have warts moles acne scars uneven skin darkening or any sort of skin problem go visit a dermatologist and learn about your skin type this is making you insecure affecting your confidence and affecting your life this is money well spent what else is money for if not for you a dermatologist will make you understand what effect the products you are using are having on your skin if you're making a mistake you are buying products because dumb-ass film starts her promising you because they took money you have no idea of what you're actually applying on your face and about your skin type no wonder you've never had a product that actually made a real visible change.

Fourth, workout the science of attraction is rooted in our evolutionary behavior and that teaches us that our brain sees a great body as a sign of great health which is why both men and women find themselves attracted to and admiring great bodies second reason you need to start working out is for clothes not only fit on you but look great on you that's the purpose of fashion we wear clothes to look attractive when a person looks at you their vision allows a collective view of you as a whole not just a face a face is one part of the whole so taking the worst-case scenario let's say your face is 1 out of 10 your body can balance that out and make you a 6 out of 10 as a whole.

Fifth, Hair, the point of a haircut is structure think about the time you think your hair look sexiest it is when you are out of the shower their vet shining in place where you want them and you love it because you are looking good but then what happens in a few hours they are out of control what does that say you simply don't care there's a reason why there are vats clay gel vomit the truth with men is because we don't have long hair the tendency to care for them have them in shape have them all this look good doesn't exist out of convenience we consider our fingers to be the best hair styling tools to look good you have to have manageable length of hair you're going to take care of and there are plenty of videos on YouTube that can teach you how to have great looking hair and lastly your impression which constitutes attitude posture and how you present yourself this is the most important part.

I'm sure you've seen average looking dudes with really attractive girls your first assumption is e must be filthy rich that's your insecure brain fighting you comfort for somebody to feel that you look good has everything to do with what they normally get impressed by which means a lot of factors other than just looks come into play for example if you dress yourself well it subconsciously communicates to others that you take yourself seriously your body language or posture tells a lot about your personality and mood whether you are lazy timid confident boring exciting proud happy sad etc you yourself analyze people's personalities just by looking at them all the time that's how our brains work just from their facial expressions you're able to tell if they're bored uninterested distracted focus series have be excited most importantly how you talk and what you make people feel when you interact design your impression the most for example when you smile and show interest in what others have to say it makes people trust you and open up if you make people laugh easily it makes others think you're confident if you're loud and makes sense people may even think you're a leader so there are host of behaviors that make people think of a lot of things and a lot of those things very easily could be things that they'd find attractive which may attract them to you.

Very simply but humans have subconscious doors of opinions that they are cash to symbols signs certain behaviors and visual information their subconscious store concerning what is good-looking will have a lot more than just good looks that they would be attracted to just like how a matured mind one care for looks but for overall personalities of people so if you want to be good-looking satisfy what people generally are interested in looking at and are looking for I hope you're having a good thing.

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