Belly fat is a common problem in women compared to men. There are many physical changes that a woman has to go through. During such changes, occurrence of belly fat can be an issue. It can be that a woman does not have unhealthy food, but still tends to get belly fat. The best way for eliminating this problem is regular physical activity. There are different women exercises to lose belly fat which you can consider to get rid of the fat problem.
You might think that abdomen fat is just an extra blurb of fat hanging out of your waist but it's something more than that. It's the diseases associated with it that requires actual concern. Belly fat can cause severe diseases such as heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, diabetes, colorectal cancer, etc. There is one more type of fat associated with the abdomen and that's the visceral fat. In most cases it is a fat passed on by heredity. As you age, such fat starts accumulating on your belly and make you face various health issues for the same. So, for obvious reasons you need to get rid of this belly fat and keep your self fit.
Reasons to Gain Belly Fat in Women
- Less physical activity
- Unbalanced food
- More stress and tension
- Going on a wrong diet
- In between meals or eating at a wrong time
- Less consumption of water
- Using unnecessary pills to control your diet causing side effects
What to do? Well, you cannot change your future but can always take precautions and make it better. So, start having a balanced diet and exercise as much as you can. After all, it's a matter of your health. Always take proper medical advice before you go for any kind of diet change. This will not only help you look better but also feel more energetic and fresh all day long. You can certainly reduce belly fat in women just by taking few easy steps ahead.
Go for a healthy diet and proper lifestyle and all you women can get rid of belly fat just in few months!
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Causes of Belly Fat in Women
There is development of fat when the rate of metabolism slows down. The metabolism plays a vital role in burning calories. Higher the metabolism, lesser will be the fat in your body. However, this rate gets affected as you get older especially in women, as they have the tendency to produce fat tissues in the body or around the belly area.Another main reason why women have belly fat problem more as compared to men is that the former's metabolism gets affected by sudden changes in hormonal levels. Usually, women face this problem during, after or before menopause.
Other things resulting in belly fat can be lack of exercise, genetic problems, hormonal changes and unhealthy diet or not eating food at proper time.
Risk Factors Involved in Belly Fat in Women
Ignoring belly fat problem can be dangerous. It can lead to many severe diseases which can be difficult to treat. Till now exercise has been the effective way not only to lose belly fat, but also to stay fit and healthy. Exercising on a regular basis can be difficult. However, failing to do that can result in risk of many severe illnesses which include:- High BP
- Diabetes
- Breast cancer
- Kidney problem
- Lungs problem
- Heart diseases
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat in Women
There are certain effective exercises that women can do to lose weight:
Start your exercise with 10 minutes warm up, so that you will get enough energy to work out and will be fresh for a long time.
Do some abdominal exercises like sit ups, crunches, abs devices, etc. which can actually help you. Get some information from the trainer about different exercises techniques, so that at the end of the day you will not end up with cracks in your bones.
Another exercise is where you have to lie on your back and extend the arms above the head. During such position, keep your legs together. Tighten your stomach and pull up the right knee. When you do that, lift up the shoulder from the floor and get your arms forward. Make sure that you keep the arms out in front of you. Keep in mind that they should be straight. Once you do this, relax the muscles and get the body in resting position. Try repeating the same thing with the left knee. This exercise is a pelvic exercise and it has proved effective.
Cardio exercises are also effective as they not only burn belly fat, but also can shape up your body. They help to trim up your whole body and give proper preposition in the best possible way.
Wasting your money in joining gym and getting less result can dishearten you. However, doing the exercise on your own and following a proper diet can definitely help you to lose belly fat problem.
Along with exercises, diet also plays an important role in losing belly fat. When the huge proportion of belly fat gets stored in the abdominal area, it becomes difficult to lose. However, following a healthy diet that includes good proportion of carbohydrates, fat and proteins can help you in the whole burning process. Keep in mind that you should never skip your meals, instead try having food which is healthy.
Women like to get noticed. However, a bulging tummy can make a woman worry. For this, different women exercises to lose belly fat has been discovered which give good results within a month or so.
Diet Plan to Lose Quick Belly Fat in Women
There are various ways for losing belly fat, following a diet plan is one of them. Many people think that having an empty stomach will help them to lose belly fat. There are people who eat one meal daily in the belief that this will help in losing weight and stomach fat. The fact is that this is the wrong way and wrong belief for losing belly fat. For losing belly fat you have to eat small four to five small meals daily. This will help your digestive system to work properly. The bowel movements will work efficiently and all the food consumed would be digested. There is no harm of having undigested food that can later turn into fat deposits.
Diet Plan
Your breakfast should include more of proteins and fiber that can keep your tummy full for a longer time. Many people skip breakfast and directly have lunch which is wrong. Breakfast is the most important meal for carrying your daily routine and to stay energetic the whole day.
Oats, eggs, whole wheat bread, milk, cereals etc. are the best for breakfast. They will keep you full till your lunch time. You can also eat fruits like apples or berries which have more of fibers in them.Lunch
Lunch is again an important meal in your diet plan. If you are working or you are at home, do not avoid your lunch. In your lunch, you can eat beans, brown rice, wild rice, green vegetables etc. along with some yogurt and salad. You can also have chicken, some beef or pork, some amount of lean meat, or wheat pasta which is accompanied by salad. You can again have fruit which is always good for your body. Your lunch should include proteins, some carbohydrates and few amount of food that contains unsaturated fatty substances.
You can have green tea which will refresh you and along with it you can have some biscuits that are high in fiber, whole wheat bread sandwich etc. Fruits again can be included in your snacks which will give you a good form of energy.
You can now reduce your food intake for dinner. In dinner, you should have food which has less amount of fat in it. Avoid eating rice for your dinner or food that is high in calories. Eat lots of salad, some chicken, fruit, beans and legumes and food which are easily digestible.
Apart from all this, drink lots of water which will drain all the harmful toxins from your body. You should have you dinner three to four hours before going to bed. This will digest all the consumed food and will help to keep your tummy flat. Follow this quick belly fat diet plan and keep your body in proper shape.
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