Friday, August 14, 2015


We have already seen the difference between conscious and subconscious minds. Those who joined recently read that earlier post again. We learned that conscious mind is having analyzing capacity whereas the subconscious mind doesn’t. The subconscious mind will store all the belief systems as it is (right or wrong) that was analyzed  by conscious mind. Subconscious mind is a powerful one. Once a belief system entered into it, the subconscious mind would not allow erasing it easily even conscious mind now tells to it that “Now I learned that I put a wrong belief system on you long back and I wanted to correct it now”. The conscious mind has to substantiate it with  reasoning  and also has to practically convince subconscious mind to agree for it.

Likewise, at our younger age due to lack of proper knowledge about stammering and proper guidance, the conscious mind of a PWS mistakenly made believed the subconscious mind that he could speak with stammering only. Since this wrong belief was put into the subconscious mind over many years, the subconscious firmly believes that a PWS cannot speak normally and will not allow easily to erase it.Then, what is the solution for this? As said earlier, a PWS conscious mind has to convince to his subconscious mind with logical reasoning that he can speak normally now.

How to convince a PWS subconscious mind?. For this, his conscious mind has first convince itself that  “ After joining TISA and after practicing techniques, my speech is improving day by day”.  To achieve, the PWS has to work hard, improve his speech and gain confidence day by day.

After gaining some confidence, the PWS conscious mind has to talk to the subconscious mind like this “ Dear subconscious mind, I wrongly put a belief system on you when I was young that I could  speak with stammering only. Now after joining TISA ,I am practicing every day and will be able to speak well in one year time (Specifying time is the most important). The PWS can talk to his subconscious mind as many times as possible.

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